IET Code of Practice for In-service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment (5th Edition)

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Product Overview

The object of the Code of Practice is to give advice on in-service inspection and testing to determine whether electrical equipment is fit for continued service or if maintenance or replacement is necessary. This is commonly known as PAT Testing (Portable Appliance Testing).

The Code of Practice (150 pages) covers the following chapters:-

  1. Scope
  2. Definitions
  3. The Law
  4. Fixed Electrical Installation
  5. Types of Electrical Equipment
  6. The Electrical Tests
  7. In-Service Inspection & Testing
  8. Procedures for In-Service Inspection & Testing
  9. Training
  10. Test Instruments
  11. Equipment Construction Types (classes)
  12. Types of Inspection & Testing
  13. The User Check
  14. The Formal Visual Inspection
  15. Combined Inspection & Testing
  16. New & Third Party Equipment
  17. Standards and Regulations
  18. Appendices & Forms


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